Sabina Lovec z Dračína
Vet.ChCZ, Vet.ChKCHT, GrChCZ, ChCZ, ChPL
Sabina Lovec z Dračína
Matka / Dam:
Orina Lovec z Dračína
Otec / Sire:
Jolly Fiery Lucifer
Chovná fena / Stud girl
Barva / Color: Grizzly
Výška / Hight - 32,5 cm
Teeth - (absence 2xM3, 1xP1)
Zdravotní testy / Health examinations:
DNA test SLEM/SPS - clear
Veteran Champion of Czech Rep.
Club Veteran Champion of KCHT
Grand Champion of Czech Rep.
Champion of Czech Republic
Champion of Poland
Výstaty / Shows :
NDS Ml. Boleslav - Very good 1
IDS Ml. Boleslav - Exc.1, CAJC, BOJ
Club show of KCHT Ml.Bol. - Exc.2
Reg. club show of KCHT Litoměřice - Exc.1, CCJ
Christmaw club show of KCHT Praha -Exc.1, Class winner
Pojizerská dog show Ml. Bol. - Exc.1, Class winner, Reg.winner, Winner of ML.Bol.
IDS Litoměřice - Exc.1, CAC, R.CACIB (CACIB)
NDS Mladá Boleslav - Exc.2, Res. CAC
IDS Mladá Boleslav - Exc.1, CAC, R.CACIB (CACIB)
Reg.Club show of KCHT Ml. Bol. - Exc.3
IDS České Budějovice - Exc.3 show Litoměřice - Exc.1, Class Winner, reg.
31. IDS DUO CACIB Praha- Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC ČMKU, BOB, Winner of Prague
1. Reg. Svatomartinská DS Mladá Boleslav - Exc.1, Class winner, Reg. winner
Christmas show of KCHT - Exc.1, Class winner
IDS Duo CACIB Brno - V4
Club dog show of KCHT České Budějovice - V3
8. IDS Chemnitz 2017 - Exc.3
Spezial - Ausstellung der OG Dresden (im Klub für Terrier e.V) Chemnitz - Exc.1, CAC KfT, CAC VDH, BOS !!!
IDS Expo Prague - Exc.2, R.CAC
IDS Litoměřice - Exc.1, CAC, R.CACIB
IDS DuoCACIB Brno 4.2.2018 - Exc.1, CAC, CACIB, CAC, ČMKU, BOS
MDS Zielona Góra 2.3.2018 - Exc.1, Best Bitch, CWC, CACIB, BOS
Club show of KCHT Č.Budějovice 3.3.2018 - Exc.2, Res. CAC
NDS Jelenia Góra 10.3.2018 - Exc.1, Best Bitch, CWC, BOB
NDS Jelenia Góra 11.3.2018 - Exc.1, Best Bitch, CWC, BOS
9.Internationale Ausstellung Chemnitz 8.4.2018 - Exc.1, CAC VDH, Res.CAC KfT, Res.CACIB
IDS České Budějovice 21.4.2018-Exc.2, Res.CAC
International Dog Shows Zadar (Croatia) 4xCACIB
- 29.4.2018 - CAC HR, Res. CACIB
- 30.4.2018 - CAC HR, Res. CACIB
- 1.5.2018 - CAC HR, Res. CACIB
IDS Litoměřice 19.5.2018 - Exc.1, CAC, Res. CACIB
( last CAC for title GrandChCZ !!! )
Special show of BRT Týn nad Vltavou 10.6.2018- winner class - Exc.2, r.CAC
NDS Ml.Bol. 4.7.2018 - ch.class - Exc.2, r.CAC
6.Elbflorenz-Siegerschau des Klub für Terrier e.V. DRESDEN
1.9.2018 - Exc.1, CAC VDH, CAC KfT, BOB
2.9.2018 - Exc.1, CAC VDH, r.CAC KfT
Club show of KCHT 8.9.2018 - Exc.2, r.CAC
Krajowa wystawa psów Swiebodzice 1.12.2018 - Exc.1, CWC, BB, BOB
IDS Expo Prague 2.12.2018 - Exc.2, r.CAC
IHA Wels 8.12.2018 - Exc.1, CACA
IHA Wels 9.12.2018 - Exc.1, CACA
Club show of KCHT - 5.7.2022
- Exc.1, CCV + !!! VBIS !!!
NDS Ml.Bol. - 16.7.2022
- Exc.1, BOV
IDS Ml.Bol. - 20.8.2022
- Exc.1
Jubilee NDS Brno - 3.12.2022
- Exc.1, BOV
Club show of KCHT - 10.12.2022
- Exc.1, CCV
NDS Brno - 7.1.2023
- Exc.1, BOV
KV KCHT Č.Budějovice - 4.3.2023
- Exc.1, CCV, BOV
Zkoušky / Exams:
ZV - I.cena, 160b.
Hunting talent exams - 1st price, 160 points
BZH - I.cena, 173b.
Exam for wild boars tracking - 1st price, 173 points
BZ - I.cena, 84b.
Tracking exam - 1st price, 84 points
LZ - I.cena, 194b.
Exam for work in the wood
- 1st price, 194 points
ZVVZ - I.cena, 100b.
Exams for searching and expelling of wild animals - 1st price. 100 points
IZN - Obstála
Individual exams for fox - passed